GW Smith

Quaternary Industry

The quaternary industry is the top off to the tertiary sector, mainly comprised of information and technology. As previously stated, the Primary industry is the foundation, and the secondary sector is the house built on that foundation. In contrast, the Tertiary industry becomes the interior that fills your home through acts of service, While the Quaternary industry is the Garden and things you build around the exterior of your home on top of the foundation.

GW R&D “Research and Development”

The world of research and development is where Methodical & Meticulous planning is Vital. Finding the deep symbiotic connections in your Product, Service, or Invention to improve on them is all a part of the creation process. GW R&D Is here and understands the information and technology required to develop the finest product or service.


Mission Statement:

Technology plays a heavy role in society; without it, scientists have stated that we fall back into some Darkest Days. Technology in today’s world changes faster than the seconds on a clock. GW IT is here to be on par with some of the most effective information systems and technology around the globe.

GW Quantum Communications

Mission Statement:

Over time how we have communicated has changed so much. We went from painting in the caves, to the smoke signals of the wilderness, hieroglyphics, and messenger pigeons, with the taps of Morse code to the taps on a screen for instant messages. GW Communications is here to join the wave of communications that is forever changing how we connect.

GW Pharmaceutical & Science Co.

Mission Statement:

The world of Medicine is constantly evolving; every day, there’s a discovery in Medicine to cure the diseases we face and prolong the lives of Humans. GW Pharmaceutical Science is here and understands the mission behind preserving life.