GW Smith

Primary Institutes

Sector In development

The Primary Industry Sector is where you tap into some foundational means of a nation’s GDP and GNP. Inside this Primary sector, you’ll find our companies GW Genesis Farms, covering agriculture, GW Discoveries, our mining and precious metals exploration company, GW Forestries, focused on the growth and proper use of logging, bringing back fresh solid material while properly maintaining the health of our worlds Forrest. GW Peter Fishing CO. brings food from the oceans to feed the bellies of the world.

GW Discoveries

Mission Statement:

Mining is an occupation that has been around for millenniums. It is a demanding sector that requires methodical planning and development. The Earth is full of natural resources ready to be harnessed. GW Discoveries is here to pledge an eco-friendly extraction of natural resources that promotes an efficient extraction of minerals where the exchange is based on the Earth taking care of us, and we taking care of Earth in return.

GW Foriestries

Mission Statement:

 The world’s forests are a part of the natural lifeline of our ecosystems here on Earth. It is stated that they produce anywhere between 20%-30% of the world’s oxygen. GW Forrestires aims to create eco-friendly ways to harvest the Earth’s Forrest while the health of the Ecosystem that Forrest shelters. When we take from the Earth, it expects us to return the favor by taking care of it, and that’s what all-natural resource exchanges should be like with Earth.

GW Peter Fishing CO

Mission Statement:

The Ocean is a vast ecosystem that feeds billions of bellies of the world. It is one of the oldest forms of Merchant markets in the world. GW Peter Fishing Co. is here to take the practices learned over the Millenniums and implement an Eco-friendly form of harvesting where the Ocean puts life into us, and in exchange, we put energy into it by taking care of it. Fuel your body with seafood that provides fresh nutrients to your body.